Friday, 26 September 2014

Its the final countdown ....

That song has been buzzing around in my head for the last few days. It really is the final countdown. In 94 days time, I will be able to say with some confidence..... I done it. I bloody well survived this mammoth inconvenience. It still takes my breathe away that I even had cancer, let alone that I managed to survive it. Very recently, a gorgeous lady reached out to me who had read my blog. She is at the start of her journey having just finished treatment and she told me said she had read my blog word to word and had found inspiration from it. She been able to relate to every word that I had written. I can't tell you how very happy that made me feel. If this has helped just one lady know that they can get through it, I am happy. And my love goes out to this very beautiful and very strong Mummy and Wife. I know you can do it - one day at a time x

Do you know, I have had 13 000 views of my little blog. thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story. I just needed to say that. Thank you so much.

Anyway, last time I wrote, I was about to embark on my dream summer - the whole summer holidays off with my little girl. And what a dream summer I had. It really was a gift. From Spain with the family, to Portugal with the girls, and ending up in Ibiza with Paul, Indy and friends. I am very priviledged to have been in a position to be able to do this and I had a wonderful time.

My working life has been quite extraordinary. I think I mentioned that I had an offer to go and work in Sydney, Australia. It was just so tempting, what with my love of adventure and travel. Quite possible the hardest 'No' I have ever had to give, but on balance, there has been even more exciting possibilities opened up closer to home. And I couldn't have really left my family and friends on the other side of the world. Our little consultancy has gone from strength to strength. Some investors approached us to to buy some equity, allowing us to grow at a quicker pace. So, hot off the press, we will be a fully fledged retail marketing agency from now on in. Claire, my partner, and I are so very excited. We keep pinching ourselves. We had to go and do a proper 'dragons den' style pitch and just yesterday we got the news, that we had an offer. We feel like we are pretending to be 'grown ups' - it is all very adult and business like. We both feel so blessed and are really driven to give it our everything.

Indyana is gorgeous. She finally decided she wanted to learn how to ride a bike. I should think so too at the age of 7 years old! So, in 3 days we had it cracked - she is just so pleased with herself.

Life is just pretty good. Family, friends and health. Thats about all you can ask for really, isn't it. Im conscious that I don't want to bore everyone with my 'back to normal'  life these days. However, I promised I would write until I hit the 5 years so I may just check in from time to time.

Much love to you all, x