Friday, 21 March 2014


So, where was I? Paul and I had just moved back from Liverpool to Watford. I think it was about 1997.  
I started working in the marketing department at The National Lottery. My first role was as an administrator but I was very determined to be successful. I was probably the only person in the department that didn't have a degree, but that wasn't going to stop me. I enrolled at Watford college to do a post-graduate diploma in marketing. For 3 years, I went to college every Tuesday and Thursday evening between 6-9pm. And a huge amount of studying and exams to boot. I gave up a fair bit of socialising to work my way through those exams. I also gave up my free time every Wednesday and Saturday nights to work in the newsroom. These were the ‘National Lottery’ draw days and extra hands were needed to man the phones and media calls. I loved it. I had a real hunger for learning and in the end it paid off. I was promoted again and again. over my 9years at Camelot, I  moved my way up to Head of Marketing, leading large teams of people. I had an amazing and very supportive experience at Camelot. It was a really sociable company and we had many a drunken, funny evening out together. I met some lovely people who I am still friends with today (Sarah, Alex, Charlotte x). It also proved to me education is critical but motivation and attitude goes even further. 
Paul joined a company in Watford and was also successful. We bought our first home together in Cromer Road, Watford. It was a lovely, little 2-bedroom Victorian cottage. Paul worked so hard decorating it. It had a real open fire and was incredibly cosy. We were very proud of this little house. A few years later, we moved to our proper grown up house in Palmers Green - 45 Palmerston crescent. Another Victorian beauty. It was a gorgeous house which we lived in for the next 10 years. we relentlessly refurbished every last room until it was a place we were proud of. I have always loved interior design and really enjoyed creating my vision for each of the rooms. A touch of tradition with a twist here and there. When I finally and sadly left Camelot in 2006, I did an interior design course for 6 weeks in Chelsea, just for fun really. 
All the gang still partied hard together. For as long as I can remember, I have had a girly weekend in the sun every year. Without fail. I actually can’t imagine ever giving this up. We have been to Puerto Banus, St Topez, Barcelona, Portugal, Dubai, Vegas, Miami, Cyprus and probably loads more I can’t remember. I tend to be the instigator most years although my like minded friends don’t take much persuasion. I just love long lunches with the rose flowing and good laughter therapy. 
Paul and I love our holidays too. Given my passion for travel, I was always thinking about where we could go next. It has definitely been a lifelong obsession. Any money we have ever had has mainly been spent on holidays and we have been to some lovely places over the years. I drive Paul mad sometimes with my obsession to travel and have been guilty on many an occasion of booking a holiday without telling him. He always loves it when he's there!  
One particular trip stands out for me during Xmas 2002.  I wanted to take Paul to Australia, to show him this wonderful country that I had spent 2 years in. We started in Sydney and moved our way up the beautiful coastline. Once again, we stopped at Uncle Eric and Aunt Rose. They had now moved up to the gold coast, near Surfers Paradise. Again, they were just so welcoming and hospitable. Eric let us use his car and we would go off to all the beautiful beaches alone the coast. It was New Years Eve and we were in the sleepy coastal resort, Noosa. Paul went for a swim and literally didn't get out of the sea for about 3 hours. He came back looking like a shrivelled prune. I thought it was odd but didn't think too much of it. Anyway, that evening, we went for a lovely meal and then a walk along the beach whilst the New Year fireworks went off. It was a lovely evening. I had made it to midnight and was ready for my bed. Paul on the other hand wanted to do another lap of the beach. Weird? 

As we started lap 2, he got down on one sandy knee and proposed. He said some lovely words before I quickly told him to get up! Bless him, he had spent 3 hours in the water that day planning his words. It just wasn't Pauls thing at all but he did make the effort. We went for some champagne and then called home, to tell family and friends the news. We had met in LA 9 Years before and we set the date for December 23rd 2003. We got married in Leez Priory in the heart of Essex, with 70 of our closest family and friends. It was a fabulous venue where the service was held in a tower. Very romantic. I did the speech  in my Vera Wang wedding dress and Paul managed to get through his wedding day without any public speaking! It was a perfect day for us. On December 27th, we departed for our honeymoon to South Africa where we experienced an amazing Safari. Life was plodding along very nicely................

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